Music: Storyblocks

The Old Ways Podcast – Shards of San Francisco – Season Two Finale
Jane’s fate is decided. Rahm tries to be a sire. Alex gets the truth, wanted or not. Sylvestre talks with Esther to clear up a misunderstanding. Katerina turns the knife. Marcus keeps a promise. Guest Starring – Patrick McNamara and Danny Scott
Storyteller Rina, Mike, John, Teagan, Ali, Tiffanie, Patrick McNamara, Danny Scott

The Old Ways Podcast – Shards of San Francisco – Episode 29
Alex and Slyvestre talk about the pending items on their todo lists. Marcus talks with Annalise before speaking with Maryam about the city’s recent loss. Alex and Marcus discuss Clan Ventrue’s growing problems.
Storyteller Rina, Mike, John, Teagan, Ali, Tiffanie

The Old Ways Podcast – Shards of San Francisco – Episode 28
Rahm tries to teach his new childer about life as a vampire. Katerina uncovers a chilling clue from the former Prince’s vault. Alex and Sylvestre talk at Elysium. Marcus arrives at Elysium to talk to Jane about the new reality..
Storyteller Rina, Mike, John, Teagan, Ali, Tiffanie

The Old Ways Podcast – Shards of San Francisco – Episode 27
In the aftermath of a bloody night, those who remain sift through the pieces left behind. Alex lets out their rage and tears. Rahm births a new vision upon San Francisco. Sylvestre has a special meeting with Pastor Fred. Katerina takes Sofie on a trip.
Storyteller Rina, Mike, John, Teagan, Ali, Tiffanie

The Old Ways Podcast – Shards of San Francisco – Episode Twenty Six
After a night of great loss, Monika receives an unexpected present. Katerina enjoys her new blood bound ghoul. Rahm makes an important selection and talks with Alex. Monika and Marcus play catch before the night ends.
CW: Suicide
Storyteller Rina, Mike, John, Teagan, Ali, Bridgett, Tiffanie

The Old Ways Podcast – Shards of San Francisco – Episode 25
A dark night filled with intense pain and emotions boils over on the streets of San Francisco. In a final act, threads which once bound Kindred together are shattered. Sylvestre makes a plan to deal with Pastor Fred.
Storyteller Rina, Mike, John, Teagan, Ali, Bridgett, Tiffanie

The Old Ways Podcast – Shards of San Francisco – A night with Alex – Episode 24
Alex receives and important message about a meeting at the Temple of Michael which requires their immediate presence. As the night grows long, a spark is lit on a fuse which they cannot quench.
Storyteller Rina, Tiffanie

The Old Ways Podcast – Shards of San Francisco – Episode 23
Monika and Annalise drive back to the house in the territory after receiving a disturbing message. Rahm is tasked with a terrible order. Marcus’ phone brings ill tidings, while the power center of San Francisco tips on its axis again.
Storyteller Rina, Mike, John, Teagan, Ali, Bridgett

The Old Ways Podcast – Shards of San Francisco – Episode 22
Katerina investigates a strange house and finds something strange within. Monika makes a decision about Annalise. Rahm wakes up somewhere strange. Marcus pays a local resident a special house call.
Storyteller Rina, Mike, John, Teagan, Ali, Bridgett

The Old Ways Podcast – Shards of San Francisco – Episode 21
Sylvestre reaps the rewards of a meeting with his Chief. Monika and Chase talk after the ritual for Annalise. Marcus hones in on the preacher Fred as the Nosferatu Clan dealing pays off. Alex makes a deal to correct a Ventrue mistake.
Storyteller Rina, Mike, John, Teagan, Ali, Bridgett, Tiffanie

The Old Ways Podcast – Shards of San Francisco – Episode 20
Monika and Chase do their best to heal the young Tremere child, Annalise through a powerful ritual, but the working does not come without significant risks to everyone involved.
Storyteller Rina, Bridgett

The Old Ways Podcast – Shards of San Francisco – Episode 19
As Katerina’s first health clinic celebrates an opening, Sylvestre has to deal with some unexpected visitors. Rahm stands wrongly accused, while Marcus and friends from Oakland turn their focus on the hunter problem.
Storyteller Rina, Mike, John, Teagan, Ali, Tiffanie

The Old Ways Podcast – Shards of San Francisco – Episode 18
Marcus and Rahm work to get information out of a captured hunter. Alex meets with Clan Ventrue, while Sylvestre lets off some steam. Katerina takes special care to prepare Sofie for what is to come. CW: Torture
Storyteller Rina, Mike, John, Teagan, Ali, Tiffanie

The Old Ways Podcast – Shards of San Francisco – Episode 17
Marcus wakes with a hunger. Alex chats with Luther about Mina and the space beyond the veil. Sylvestre researches his new target. Monika and her new charge look for a new place to live. CW: Torture descriptions
Storyteller Rina, Mike, John, Teagan, Ali, Bridgett, Tiffanie

The Old Ways Podcast – Shards of San Francisco – Episode 16
Fallout continues from a death in the wider Kindred community, with the arrival of hunters into the Bay area. Monika asks a favor from Alex. Sylvestre works the shadows for the truth. Rahm touches base with his network.
Storyteller Rina, Mike, John, Teagan, Ali, Bridgett, Tiffanie

The Old Ways Podcast – Shards of San Francisco – Episode 15
With the social event of the year arriving, Kindred from San Francisco and beyond arrive at the opening of Monika’s new business venture. Sir Rodger makes a surprise appearance after his own spiritual experience. Guest starring: Patrick McNamara as Sir Rodger
Storyteller Rina, Mike, John, Teagan, Ali, Bridgett, Tiffanie, Patrick

The Old Ways Podcast – Shards of San Francisco – Episode 14
Elysium serves as the focal point for Kindred society once again, as fallout from an assassination takes center stage. Sir Rodger makes a strange offer. Alex meets with a new source to determine what comes next.
Storyteller Rina, Mike, John, Teagan, Ali, Bridgett, Tiffanie, Patrick

The Old Ways Podcast – Shards of San Francisco – Episode 13
Rahm and Jane have a series of eye opening conversations about Kindred and human societies under the auspices of trying to better understand one another during a night in San Francisco.
Storyteller Rina, Teagan

The Old Ways Podcast – Shards of San Francisco – Episode 12
Marcus calls a meeting of the remaining Primogen Council to Elysium after wrapping up some business. Alex delves deeper for more information. The Kindred of San Francisco constrict together to hear what might become of their city.
Storyteller Rina, Mike, John, Ali, Bridgett, Tiffanie

The Old Ways Podcast – Shards of San Francisco – Episode Eleven
With word that William Mallet has prepared to flee the city after his abdication of the Camarilla throne, Marcus, Sylvestre, and collection of the Barony faithful seek to stop the elder Ventrue by any means.
Storyteller Rina, Mike, John, Ali, Bridgett, Tiffanie

The Old Ways Podcast – Shards of San Francisco – Episode Ten
Rahm and Alex have a heart to heart discussion about the city’s current political climate. Marcus works to secure a top prize before it disappears. Monika and Sylvestre make Elysium interesting.
Storyteller Rina, Mike, John, Teagan, Ali, Bridgett, Tiffanie

The Old Ways Podcast – Shards of San Francisco – Episode Nine
Sylvestre stops in to meet Marcus and some of the Kindred who live in Barony to talk tactics. Rahm and Alex set a date to chat, but meets someone along the way. William Mallet makes an announcement for everyone to hear.
Storyteller Rina, Mike, John, Teagan, Ali, Bridgett, Tiffanie

The Old Ways Podcast – Shards of San Francisco – Meet Sylvestre
As a wandering member of Kindred society, Sylvestre has seen and done many things which have changed him. He’s also worked hard to not let Camarilla society make choices for him.
Storyteller Rina, John

The Old Ways Podcast – Shards of San Francisco – Episode Seven
Monika makes new friends and begins to work on her own business. Marcus talks about the future and delves into some theories with Alex. Katerina enjoys time with Ray-Ray.
Storyteller Rina, Mike, Ali, Bridgett, Tiffanie

The Old Ways Podcast – Shards of San Francisco – Episode Six
Alex meets with William Mallet to discuss the present and the future. Marcus and Katerina keep up appearances, while Monika and Chase chat. The Opticom offices receive a surprise.
Storyteller Rina, Mike, Teagan, Ali, Bridgett, Tiffanie, Scott

The Old Ways Podcast – Shards of San Francisco – Episode Five
Rahm’s boat party goes into full swing, giving him the opportunity to show how far he’s come. Sir Rodger pays the boat and Marcus a visit, offering a pointed reminder about titles. Mina’s distance hits Alex hard.
Storyteller Rina, Mike, Teagan, Ali, Bridgett, Tiffanie, Patrick

The Old Ways Podcast – Shards of San Francisco – Episode Four
Alex stops by the Opticon offices and makes a point. Monika arrives at Rahm’s boat prepared to work rather than party, while Katerina makes surprise plans for Marcus. Vince gets an unexpected Kindred visitor.
Storyteller Rina, Mike, John, Teagan, Ali, Bridgett, Tiffanie

The Old Ways Podcast – Shards of San Francisco – Episode Three
Alex tries to work with Vince to find a new place for Mina. Marcus and Katerina are reminded that the Barony is only so safe. Monika makes a new friend exploring her new place.
Storyteller Rina, Mike, John, Teagan, Ali, Bridgett, Tiffanie

The Old Ways Podcast – Shards of San Francisco – Episode Two
With the nights changing quickly for our Kindred, Alex seeks shelter for Mina when Vince’s attitude draws concern. Monika has a fateful meeting with a local vampire, and Marcus meets Clan Lasombra in a unique way.
Storyteller Rina, Mike, John, Teagan, Ali, Bridgett, Tiffanie

The Old Ways Podcast – Shards of San Francisco – Episode One
Several months since have passed since the night of the Blood Moon and members of the San Francisco coterie are brought back together as the winter breeze brings new changes to their nights.
Storyteller Rina, Mike, John, Teagan, Ali, Bridgett, Tiffanie

The Old Ways Podcast – Meet Monika West – Vampiric Prelude
With Kindred leaving San Francisco, some wish to remain, and Monika West is one of them. As a member of the mysterious Clan Saluubri she and her sire Chase were protected by Prince Velasquez, but with that protection gone, Monika faces new nights and new choices.
Storyteller Rina, Bridgett Jeffries