Music: Storyblocks

The Old Ways Podcast – Masks of Nyarlathotep – Season 5, China Finale 4
With the world around threatening them at every angle, the Investigators look to escape the volcano with their lives. Sam’s plan blossoms in a dangerous way, as Lillian fights to keep Jack from certain doom..
Keeper Michael, Tiffanie, Morgan, Jake, Lonnie, Heather, James, Alex

The Old Ways Podcast – Masks of Nyarlathotep – Season 5, China Finale 3
Pitted against the worst the Order of the Bloated Woman has to offer, the Investigators must dig deep to succeed even as their hopes crash down around them.
Keeper Michael, Tiffanie, Morgan, Jake, Lonnie, Heather, James, Alex

The Old Ways Podcast – Masks of Nyarlathotep – Season 5, China Finale 2
Sam hatches a dangerous plan. Lillian and Sigmund work on a fiery distraction, while Meave and Jack set their sights on finding Sir Aubrey. Stazi focuses on a threat from Shanghai.
Keeper Michael, Tiffanie, Morgan, Jake, Lonnie, Heather, James, Alex

The Old Ways Podcast – Masks of Nyarlathotep – Season 5, China Finale Part 1
Descending into the heart of the volcano, the Investigators must navigate a perilous path to locate the mastermind behind the troubles in Shanghai, but at what cost?
Keeper Michael, Tiffanie, Morgan, Jake, Lonnie, Heather, James, Alex

The Old Ways Podcast – Masks of Nyarlathotep – Season 5, China 29
Having made the beach at Grey Dragon Island, the team sets out to locate a path through the strange landscape, but not without surprises. Stazi makes a choice about her future.
Keeper Michael, Tiffanie, Morgan, Jake, Lonnie, James, Alex, Heather

The Old Ways Podcast – Masks of Nyarlathotep – Season 5, China 28
With help soon on board, the Investigators work their way closer to the mysterious island on the map. Lillian tries to help Jack while he recovers. Back in Shanghai, Stazi seeks wisdom and a path back into the fray.
Keeper Michael, Tiffanie, Morgan, Jake, Lonnie, James, Alex

The Old Ways Podcast – Masks of Nyarlathotep – Season 5, China 27
As the Dark Mistress rocks back and forth, below deck, Sigmund teeters between life and death. Meave looks for options amid the carnage. Drummond wonders about the road ahead.
Keeper Michael, Tiffanie, Morgan, Jake, Lonnie, James, Alex

The Old Ways Podcast – Masks of Nyarlathotep – Season 5, China 26
With The crew of the Dark Mistress in full revolt against the Investigators, Jack and Drummond work to turn the tide, while Lillian and Sam search below deck. Sigmund finds a special friend.
Keeper Michael, Tiffanie, Morgan, Jake, Lonnie, James, Alex

The Old Ways Podcast – Masks of Nyarlathotep – Season 5, Episode 25
After making their way through the perilous streets of Shanghai, the Investigators must bring all their skills to bear to reach the Dark Mistress before it sails out of sight.
Keeper Michael, Tiffanie, Morgan, Jake, Lonnie, James, Alex

The Old Ways Podcast – Masks of Nyarlathotep – Season 5, Episode 24
The chaos and stress on the streets of Shanghai boils over. The Investigators discuss the plan and approach to taking over the Dark Mistress, as Sigmund works his own technique to assess the situation.
Keeper Michael, Tiffanie, Morgan, Jake, Lonnie, James, Alex

The Old Ways Podcast – Masks of Nyarlathotep – Season 5, Episode 23
With the city beginning to churn at a chaotic pace, the group picks their way through the streets of Shanghai to return to the hideout and lick their wounds. Meave discovers the cost is high for her devotion to a higher power. CW: Gore
Keeper Michael, Tiffanie, Morgan, Jake, Lonnie, James, Alex

The Old Ways Podcast – Masks of Nyarlathotep – Season 5, Episode 22
Moving into the deepest portions of Ho Fang’s estate, the Investigators find a mysterious box and a serious of difficult choices if they want to escape in time.
Keeper Michael, Tiffanie, Morgan, Jake, Lonnie, James, Alex

The Old Ways Podcast – Masks of Nyarlathotep – Season 5, China 21
The Investigators come face to face with something lurking at Ho Fang’s Estate and are forced into some difficult choices to forge the path ahead.
Keeper Michael, Tiffanie, Morgan, Jake, Lonnie, Heather, James, Alex

The Old Ways Podcast – Masks of Nyarlathotep – Season 5, Episode 20
The scene inside Ho Fang’s estate blooms into a wild night of gunfire, smoke, and things unexpected. Sam searches deeper into the estate in hopes of finding the owner. Meave makes her feelings known.
Keeper Michael, Tiffanie, Morgan, Jake, Lonnie, Heather, James, Alex

The Old Ways Podcast – Masks of Nyarlathotep – Season 5, China 19
With the Investigators divided into two teams, the stealth team begins its work on Ho Fang’s outside guards, while the hammer team waits for their opportunity to pounce.
Keeper Michael, Tiffanie, Morgan, Jake, Lonnie, Heather, James, Alex

The Old Ways Podcast – Masks of Nyarlathotep – Season 5, China 18
The Investigators meet up with Jack Brady again to update him on their recent warehouse trip, before turning their attention to the next challenge. Drummond meets with his boss one last time.
Keeper Michael, Tiffanie, Morgan, Jake, Lonnie, Heather, James, Alex

The Old Ways Podcast – Masks of Nyarlathotep – Season 5, China 17
With information in hand, the Investigators head to Ho Fang’s warehouse on the river and sets their sights on what can be uncovered.
Keeper Michael, Tiffanie, Morgan, Jake, Lonnie, Heather, Alex

The Old Ways Podcast – Masks of Nyarlathotep – Season 5, China 16
Lillian spends time with Madame Lin, while Sam does recon of his own. Stazi tries to recover from the events of the dinner party, confiding in an old friend. Drummond works a stakeout angle.
Keeper Michael, Tiffanie, Morgan, Jake, Lonnie, Heather, James, Alex

The Old Ways Podcast – Masks of Nyarlathotep – Season 5, China 15
As Stazi works to escape the trap she’s found herself in, Lillian barters for time with the scroll. Sam prepares an escape path when the applecart is upset.
Keeper Michael, Tiffanie, Morgan, James, Lonnie, Heather, Alex

The Old Ways Podcast – Masks of Nyarlathotep – Season 5, China 14
As the meeting with Madame Lin turns exciting, the Investigators work hard to keep their ruse up while an array of challenges are presented to them. Drummond plays photographer while Sam works to keep people safe, none more so than Lillian.
Keeper Michael, Tiffanie, Morgan, Jake, Lonnie, Heather, James, Alex

The Old Ways Podcast – Masks of Nyarlathotep – Season 5, China 13
Heading into the Shanghai night, the Investigators arrive at the estate of Madame Lin in hopes of buying more time for Miss O’Shea to research the scroll Jack Brady stole.
Keeper Michael, Tiffanie, Morgan, Jake, Lonnie, Heather, James, Alex

The Old Ways Podcast – Masks of Nyarlathotep – Season 5, Episode 12
As the investigators regroup, they work through the decision on how to approach Madame Lin and the pitfalls therein.
Keeper Michael, Tiffanie, Morgan, Jake, Lonnie, Heather, James, Alex

The Old Ways Podcast – Masks of Nyarlathotep – Season 5, China 11
After the firefight at the first meeting with Jack Brady, the Investigators finally hear from a member of the Carlyle Expedition in person, as he reveals more than anyone knew about what happened and what is coming.
Keeper Michael, Tiffanie, Morgan, Jake, Lonnie, Heather, James, Alex

The Old Ways Podcast – Masks of Nyarlathotep – Season 5, China 10
The shadows of Shanghai come alive with unknown assailants desperate to kill Jack Brady, the Investigators, and anyone else who gets in their way. Can the group find a way to make it out alive?
Keeper Michael, Tiffanie, Morgan, Jake, Lonnie, Heather, James, Alex

The Old Ways Podcast – Masks of Nyarlathotep – Season 5, China 9
Setting their sights on a mysterious meeting with a local scholar, the Investigators hope to lean more about a cult clinging to Shanghai’s shadows.
Keeper Michael, Tiffanie, Morgan, Jake, Lonnie, Heather, James, Alex

The Old Ways Podcast – Masks of Nyarlathotep – Season 5, China 8
As Jack and Meave investigate a wounded woman at a local hospital, while Sam and Lillian do recon on a local house. Drummond tried to get back to work, but with little success.
Keeper Michael, Tiffanie, Morgan, Jake, Lonnie, Heather, James, Alex

The Old Ways Podcast – Masks of Nyarlathotep – Season 5, China 7
Drummond and Stazi head for cover, but are left to wonder what Madame Lin is really up to. The Investigators chat with a scholar before investigating 88 Lantern Street.
Keeper Michael, Tiffanie, Morgan, Jake, Lonnie, Heather, Alex

The Old Ways Podcast – Masks of Nyarlathotep – Season 5, China 6
The Investigators search out the Shanghai Museum for answers to a secretive cult operating in the city. Drummond acts on orders given to him by Pierce and is shocked by what he finds.
Keeper Michael, Tiffanie, Morgan, Jake, Lonnie, Heather, Alex

The Old Ways Podcast – Masks of Nyarlathotep – Season 5, Spotlight Stazi
In the months since leaving Chicago, Ms. Fairchild has walked through shadows to remake her life into something more than she ever imagined. Now in Shanghai, fresh orders have her on a hunt.
Keeper Michael, Heather

The Old Ways Podcast – Masks of Nyarlathotep – Season 5, China 5
The investigation kicks into gear as several investigators inquire at a local newspaper for clues, while Doctor Tattenbach and Ms. Lane attempt to track down the truth behind a photo from New York.
Keeper Michael, Tiffanie, Morgan, Jake, Lonnie, James, Alex

The Old Ways Podcast – Masks of Nyarlathotep – Season 5, China 4
As their search in Shanghai gets started, the Investigators quickly learn that the shadows have more than eyes and ears. Mr. Drummond receives an unexpected message.
Keeper Michael, Tiffanie, Morgan, Jake, Lonnie, James, Alex

The Old Ways Podcast – Masks of Nyarlathotep – Season 5, China Three
After meeting with their new contact, Drummond, the group sets out to find the Stumbling Tiger Bar in hopes of meeting the mysterious Jack Brady.
Keeper Michael, Tiffanie, Morgan, Jake, Lonnie, James, Alex

The Old Ways Podcast – Masks of Nyarlathotep – Season 5, China Two
After making landfall in Shanghai, the Investigators work to get past customs and find their hotel before meeting up with a contact secured by Carlton Ramses.
Keeper Michael, Tiffanie, Morgan, Jake, Lonnie, James, Alex

The Old Ways Podcast – Masks of Nyarlathotep – Season Five, Episode One – Meet Robert Drummond
Working undercover is never easy, but in the shadows of Shanghai a simple mystery can turn deadly. Robert Drummond is on an important mission when fate plucks him from a dangerous life and into the fires of eldritch horror.
Keeper Michael, Lonnie

The Old Ways Podcast – Masks of Nyarlathotep – Traveling to the Orient – Part Six
As the Investigators prepare for a special dinner guest, Sam attempts to uncover the truth behind Lillian’s new friend. Doctor Tattenbach’s vision uncomfortably deepens, and Jack sees more of what the sea has to offer.
Keeper Michael, Morgan, Jake, James, Alex

The Old Ways Podcast – Masks of Nyarlathotep – Traveling to the Orient – Part Five
As the Ormuz sails closer to its final destination, Lillian and Sam meet a curious traveler in a plush smoking room. Jack and Sigmund take in the fresh air and watch the coast, until the sea offers a change of scenery.
Keeper Michael, Morgan, Jake, James, Alex

The Old Ways Podcast – Masks of Nyarlathotep – Traveling to the Orient – Part Four
While Meave continues her work with the strange teachings, Sam and Lillian focus in on honing her physical skills while teaching her a valuable lesson about the perception of others.
Keeper Michael, Tiffanie, Morgan, Alex

The Old Ways Podcast – Masks of Nyarlathotep – Traveling to the Orient – Part Three
Aboard the SS Ormuz, Meave and Sam sit down to work through the Book of Eibon, while Lillian stays close to observe this strangest of study sessions. What secrets await them inside its pages?
Keeper Michael, Morgan, Alex

The Old Ways Podcast – Masks of Nyarlathotep – Traveling to the Orient – Part Two
Sam, Doctor Tattenbach, and Lillian meet to discuss the concern over Sam’s situation after Egypt. The Doctor has a keep treatment plan in mind, but will it be enough to forge a lasting change?
Keeper Michael, Morgan, James, Alex

The Old Ways Podcast – Masks of Nyarlathotep – Traveling to the Orient – Part One
In this Interlude Series, our Investigators will travel to the Orient, giving us a glimpse into their methods of relaxation aboard the Ormuz. Jack, Meave, and Lillian work to find peace with the events of Egypt and prepare for arrival in Shanghai.
Keeper Michael, Tiffanie, Morgan, Jake