Music: Storyblocks (unless otherwise credited)
Legal disclaimer Published by arrangement with the Delta Green Partnership. The intellectual property known as Delta Green is a trademark and copyright owned by the Delta Green Partnership, who has licensed its use here. The contents of this podcast are copyright Old Ways Entertainment, excepting those elements that are components of the Delta Green intellectual property.

The Old Ways Podcast – From the Dust – Episode Three
O-Cell spreads out to gather intelligence on their subjects, before deciding to turn their focus on a local construction site.
Handler Michael, Miranda, Nate, Ali, Teagan

The Old Ways Podcast – From the Dust – Episode Two
After collecting and reviewing the case files, Agent Hart begins in person interviews revealing sinister details. O-Cell selects a motel in Red Hook as their base of operations.
Handler Michael, Miranda, Nate, Ali, Teagan

The Old Ways Podcast – From the Dust – Episode One
In a return to active duty, O-Cell investigates a series of missing children cases that have popped up on the radar of their Handler in and around the Red Hook New York neighborhood.
Handler Michael, Miranda, Nate, Ali, Teagan

The Old Ways Podcast – Delta Green: Impossible Landscapes – Home – Part Two
The Agents of O-Cell are brought back together after an urgent phone call. Each one has lived their lives since the MacAllistar as best they know how, but will that be enough?
Handler Michael, Miranda, Nate, Ali, Teagan

Delta Green: Impossible Landscapes – Home – Part One
Our four agents must deal with their first after action experience. We learn that the hardest work sometimes begins after the action is over.
Handler Michael, Miranda, Nate, Ali, Teagan

The Old Ways Podcast – Delta Green: Impossible Landscapes – Episode Twelve
With one last coffee shop meeting between them, the agents of O-Cell separate, stepping back into the discomfort real life brings. What awaits them in the future is anyone’s guess.
Handler Michael, Miranda, Nate, Ali, Teagan

The Old Ways Podcast – Delta Green: Impossible Landscapes – Episode Eleven
After working out a plan to deal with the MacAllistar building, the agents gather supplies and work to remove the residents before it’s too late. Agent Ward’s sticky fingers pluck a keepsake. Agent Winters can’t help by help himself to a special painting.
Handler Michael, Miranda, Nate, Ali, Teagan

The Old Ways Podcast – Delta Green: Impossible Landscapes – Episode Ten
With the echoes of the MacAllistar still ringing in their ears, the agents move to find safety and regroup. The experiences inside the Night Floors take their toll, for some more than others. CW: This episode contains Mature themes
Handler Michael, Miranda, Nate, Ali, Teagan

The Old Ways Podcast – Delta Green: Impossible Landscapes – Episode Ten
With the echoes of the MacAllistar still ringing in their ears, the agents move to find safety and regroup. The experiences inside the Night Floors take their toll, for some more than others. CW: This episode contains Mature themes
Handler Michael, Miranda, Nate, Ali, Teagan

The Old Ways Podcast – Delta Green: Impossible Landscapes – Episode Nine
A ballroom blitz begins thanks to Agent Ward. A television repairman offers the group a fresh and disturbing distraction. Disputes begin between our agents when the reality of what has happened to them upstairs unravels Agent Winters.
Handler Michael, Miranda, Nate, Ali, Teagan

The Old Ways Podcast – Delta Green: Impossible Landscapes – Episode Eight
The agents search for a way out, but not before talking to the night manager about where they are and where Abigail might be. A ballroom hosts nightmares galore, offering a fleeting glimpse at the future.
Handler Michael, Miranda, Nate, Ali, Teagan

The Old Ways Podcast – Delta Green: Impossible Landscapes – Episode Seven
Agent Ward rushes off to find a familiar face, but locates something else. Agent Bennett and Dartford investigate the rooms offered on the Night Floors, yet learn to regret it.
Handler Michael, Miranda, Nate, Ali, Teagan

The Old Ways Podcast – Delta Green: Impossible Landscapes – Episode Six
Agents Bennett and Dartford head to question the owner of the Macallistar building, ARTLIFE, while agents O’Neil and Ward uncover a strange radio inside the apartment. The group decides to head upstairs and investigate the third floor.
Handler Michael, Miranda, Nate, Ali, Teagan

The Old Ways Podcast – Delta Green: Impossible Landscapes – Episode Five
Agent O’Neil listens to the tape recovered from the Macallistar. Agent Bennet and Dartford chat with other residents of the building before investigating the basement. Agent Ward begins to be concerned about her fellow agents.
Handler Michael, Miranda, Nate, Ali, Teagan

The Old Ways Podcast – Delta Green: Impossible Landscapes – Episode Four
The agents recount their time with Thomas Manuel. The search of Abagail’s apartment continues to uncover pieces that grab the agents’ attention. Agent O’Neil makes a decision to get some rest after removing evidence.
Handler Michael, Miranda, Nate, Ali, Teagan

The Old Ways Podcast – Impossible Landscapes: The Night Floors – Episode 3
The investigation of Abigail’s apartment continues in shifts as the agents of O-Cell decide to split into two smaller teams. During the processing of information Agent Dartford comes across something deeply unsettling.
Handler Michael, Miranda, Nate, Ali, Teagan

The Old Ways Podcast – Impossible Landscapes: The Night Floors – Episode 2
The agents of O-Cell arrive at the apartment building to begin their work. Agents Dartford and Bennet head to a local hardware store for supplies, while Agent Ward and O’Neil try to decide where to start their search.
Handler Michael, Miranda, Nate, Ali, Teagan

The Old Ways Podcast – Impossible Landscapes: The Night Floors – Episode 1
August 1995 – Drawn together to investigate more than a simple missing persons report, four agents meet inside a dusty New York City warehouse for a debriefing from a familiar face.
Handler Michael, Miranda, Nate, Ali, Teagan

The Old Ways Podcast – Delta Green – Something Fishy
NCIS Agent Bret Hawking is faced with the unknown after a routine house check. What they learn in during their investigation will haunt them for the rest of their life.
Handler Michael, Teagan

The Old Ways Podcast – Delta Green – Burn this tape
March 1995 – Meet Joanne Hart, intelligence agent and translator for Pacific Command, who has the misfortune of watching something she shouldn’t have.
Handler Michael, Ali

The Old Ways Podcast – Delta Green – Special Delivery
Spring 1995 – A member of the Diplomatic Services Specialist, Agent Elliot Winters gets far more than he bargained for by trying to do the right thing. CW: Death, drug use
Handler Michael, Nate

The Old Ways Podcast – Delta Green – Doctor, Doctor
April 1995 – A quiet neighborhood in Albuquerque, New Mexico is changed forever when Doctor Erin Webber uncovers a strange series of missing pieces in a puzzle she wasn’t meant to find.
Handler Michael, Miranda

The Old Ways Podcast – Delta Green – Artifact Zero – Part Two
Driving to the dig site, our agents begin their search at the source of the problem. As they uncover the truth of what is happening around them, the source of the problem exposes a unique challenge.
Handler Michael, Ali, Heather, Nate, Jim

The Old Ways Podcast – Delta Green – Artifact Zero – Part One
Four Agents fly to Montana to investigate the strange disappearance of a college professor and others after they began digging in the remote Big Porcupine Creek area.
Handler Michael, Ali, Heather, Nate, Jim